Mach-E Press Statement

Monday, May 25, 2020

Inzek International Trading
[email protected]

Press release Apeldoorn, May 7th, 2020

Validation and Reliability of COVID-19 rapid test BIOZEK The validation and overall specificity of the Biozek rapid test has a 98% score for IgG and 96% for IgM, which are benchmarks for antibody rapid tests. Additional research is currently being conducted in various University hospitals, including the Amsterdam University Medical Center. Global reliable data was not yet available in respect to antibody levels in mild infections and how the antibodies neutralizing the virus. Inzek has therefore taken initiative and supported the additional study of which the initial test results are positive. The study and its final results will be published soon.

As an expert in rapid testing, Inzek has always encouraged research and testing and intended to contribute to the fight against Covid-19 as well. Inzek denies the criticism & allegations as mentioned in the ”Trouw” newspaper article which, in the opinion of Inzek, is based on incomplete facts and findings. This article has now, unfortunately, been used as a reference point for newspapers worldwide.

Inzek and its Partner Clindia/Bipharma regret that it is incorrectly accused of producing an unreliable test without substantial evidence for this accusation. The article as published in Dutch newspaper Trouw of Tuesday May 5th is created without substantial data and not based on facts. Platform Investico and Newspaper Trouw have not done proper research on the product Biozek and solely followed the suggestive opinion of Marien de Jonge PhD of Radboud UMC. De Jonge has not done research himself nor collected data about the product Biozek. Furthermore Platform Investico and Trouw has not followed Inzek’s reference to the current research being conducted by Amsterdam University Medical Center.

Inzek would also like to highlight the two studies mentioned in the article are not about the Biozek test. A different test is mentioned and incorrectly connected to the Biozek test. There is no evidence to support this conclusion. On the contrary, the BIOZEK rapid test has been certified by various authorities, led by the CE certification. Inquiries about the aforementioned registration, procedure conducted and the permission of the Medical Devices were not researched and not mentioned in the article.

Inzek and its partners have engaged counsel and are pursuing legal action.

Note for the editor: For more information, please contact Nathalie Smeeman,
mobile number: + 31-6-51290026,
E-mail address: [email protected]

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